First off - a treat for YOU!
I'm giving a TWO FOR ONE special for anyone who wants to take the Soul*Full eCourse. Just for today - my Birthday. So hop on over and register! Space is limited - don't miss it.
Grab a friend and split the cost of one. What a dealio!
Here is the link.
In the Paypal notes just write the name and email address of the friend you want to take the course with you. done.
Go register - then eat a cupcake - then hop back over here and read the rest of this post. k?
Did you register? ok good
Yes - today is my birthday. How am I spending it? I'm here in the house alone while the fellas head out all day so I can just "BE". I must say it's REALLY nice. I needed it. I have my favorite candle lit and my incense burning, I spent a long time talking to my favorite friend Amy on the phone. I'm editing the interview with Miguel Ruiz today for my Soul*Full eCourse, and working on the text for the Aqua Nicaragua Soul*Full Women's retreat .
What else?
I wrote out 43 things I'd like to accomplish in my 43rd year:
- take photos of Max swinging in the backyard as many days as possible. ( it's his favorite thing to do right now. he signs " swing swing swing please " all day long.
- take Max on more mini adventures - Zoo, Red Butte Gardens, Thanksgiving Point, etc.
- Plant Black Eyed Susan in my yard
- Visit Amy in Minneapolis ( I get to do this in September HOORAY!!!! )
- Lay in the hammock in the backyard and read for hours and sip my favorite iced tea.
- Video and Audio interview 43 inspiring life leaders and post them on my blog
- Update / Revamp my blog ( getting started in about a month )
- Paint the walls in our bedroom a rich gray color to compliment the intense turquoise wall behind our bed.
- Visit Chings Animal Sanctuary
- Strip the paint off the kitchen table
- Wear a dress.
- Get a reading with Cindy Dale
- Lose those last 5 points and keep them OFF
- Learn Wet Plate Collodion Process
- Print and Frame "Nap" series and have a show.
- Meet more artists in SLC ( take art classes here, get involved in art scene here )
- Visit Zion,
- Visit Moab
- Teach Soul*Full eCourse and Soul*Full Women's retreats
- Team up with Flora Bowley ( in the works! )
- Meet Susannah Conway ( in NYC in June?)
- Meet Andrea Scher ( In San Fran in Sept? )
- Meet Beth Nicholls ( in Sept in Mpls? )
- Create the "year 24" project - complete it by 8-18-12
- Get up earlier and take a walk in the morning
- Learn Encaustic Painting
- Go see a movie.... or two.
- Make my favorite green tea more often
- Go on more dates with my husband
- finger paint with Max
- Grill outside and eat meals out back with the family
- Take more naps with Max
- Visit Park City often
- Be barefoot in the grass more often.
- Go on a picnic with my family
- Go to more outdoor concerts
- Visit the Wheeler Farm Farmer's Market on Sunday mornings
- Go to Alt design summit
- How about a little family Hawaii? Napili Bay, Sea Turtles, perfection
- Focus my attention on my spiritual practice in the every day moments. Shift.
- Get help with Max so that I can dedicate more time to my business and artwork
- Less judgement and more love all around - inside and out.
- Be true, authentic and real. Speak from the heart.
Why? Because I want to!
I'm excited to get started on this years adventures. So much is already going on and so many things to be grateful for.
So I'm off to GET TO IT..
Tonight - we are grilling dinner outback and hanging in the hammock and pushing Max in the swing. I say it's a perfect way to celebrate. I used to try to have big parties but felt overwhelmed and stressed out - didn't really get to connect with anyone at the party and felt exhausted after wards. I'm learning to be true to who I am and do things that fill me up rather than make me feel dizzy.
Do you remember a favorite birthday?? Share it with me here. I would love to hear what made it special.