Soul*Full ©Catherine Just
Need more Soul infused into your images?
( Who doesn't? )
I'm giving away a Free Month of One on One Photography Coaching !
( and you don't need to live in Utah to receive this special offer ! )
What does that mean?
*I will create sessions specifically based on what your needs are and what results you are looking for with your photography.
*We will meet over skype once a week, and regularly on a private flickr page to share photos and you'll get feedback and tips for the month of November!
This is a $500.00 Value! Can you stand it?
Sound good?
There are TWO steps to enter this contest:
1. Comment on this blog post below letting me know what you would like to learn most in photography.
2. Add your e-mail address in the safe and secure form down below where it says
" Enter this Contest! " and click "Join".
You must take this step in order to officially enter. I won't know how to contact you when you WIN if you don't do this step!
The Winner will be announced on Tuesday November 1st! Yep You only have a WEEK to enter! So go for it! What are you waiting for??
You + Camera + Soul = Juicy Photos!!
This Contest is Closed! Check out the post for November 1st to find out the WINNER!!!!
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What an awesome contest! While I don't have a fancy camera, I would like to learn how to better compose photos with the point and shoot camera that I have.
i def want to learn how to use all the functions on my point and shoot better.
I'm all about composition and editing. I'm impatient with changing settings on my point and shoot, so I edit after the fact. I would love some more tips on great vs just good compositions and how to recognize them.
I do landscape photography and have always felt that I was capturing the energy of the place. I see it - and others feel it when they see my photographs. I've been doing this for a number of years, however, and feel like my photo shoots are becoming more routine and less innovative. What I would like to learn is how to see the image, the place, the space - in a different way - with new eyes as an explorer.
hi Catherine,
i am eager to learn how to create better photos not so much from a technical standpoint but from a spiritual aspect. what i see & feel when i am creating a photo is not always translated into the photo.
hoping to win ;o)
What a wonderful contest. I would love to learn more about taking portraits and composition.
I'm eager to take better shots of a wiggly, lightning fast boy in action. And at rest.
And I'd like to know some things. I pretend to know many things, but I'd like to have the gift of actual photographic knowledge.
Oh, and I'd like to learn to like a photo of myself. And not be such a freak about being photographed without feeling awful both during and after the process.
WOW sweet catherine, this is really awesome and so generous of you! I'm really interested in photography coaching and i hope to take my Photography to the next level! I want to learn the secrets to beautiful portraits and still life and the shooting fundamentals such as exposure, ISO, shutter speed, aperture, and white balance.
Thanks you so much! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
Just got my first SLR for my birthday and have been practicing like crazy. No aspirations to turn professional (my plate is plenty full enough), but I would love to learn more and it would be amazing to be able to capture better photos of my kids! Fingers crossed....
I have three little ones and I want to document their lives, so many of the photos right now are blurs since they are balls of non-stop movement!!
Hi Catherine:
my name is Ben Just... right I am not kidding, same last name, actually that has nothing to do with your contest, but its the reason why I found you in the width of the web.
I am residing in Bolivia and dedicating my time on weddings.
Even without participating in your contest maybe you wanna give me a hint how you make nervous people smile.
Thats a challenge for me every time as people down here have the idea that photos are something serious.
So for bride and groom smiling and relaxing on the most serious event of their life... their own wedding often seems to be too much to ask for.
Maybe you can help me out... or anybody else reading my comment.
Every suggestion is very welcome.
I would love a chance to win!
I would like to learn more about my photographic voice...that when I look at my photos I say, "That's me." Even when I'm not in them.
Hi Catherine - I need help with all the technical mumbo jumbo. I really struggle sometimes when switching to manual, and then I end up getting frustrated and not wanting to try again. I would also like to learn how to create a self portrait that I can live with...I'm always the one photographing everyone else, and there are no photographs of me! I'd like to change that.
What a great idea! I would love photography and would love to get a little different perspective on how I view a shot. I really believe that how you look at photography is a vision into persons soul.
Dear Catherine,
How I would love to have your help to invite the soul in my picktures. I can feel and see it in yours!
Love, Anky
Hey Catherine!! Wow!! I was so pleased to see this contest as I feel like I need to "tidy" my work up in areas which I have no experience. I love shooting from the HEART, and think of myself as a very free range photographer, and while I LOVE having that feeling of freedom, I also know that there are times when it helps to get advice from people who have more experience than me. I would LOVE to win the one on one coaching session with you, especially as we both share a vision of a field in photography which is very untouched at present. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!!!
Steph :)
I would like to learn more about composition and lighting. In addition, I want to expand my technical knowledge of photography. It is my goal to reach beyond the few settings I currently use on my camera and explore how I can reveal the sensation surrounding the image.
I would love to have some happy encouragement on my lens+love path.
I would love to study morning light, the connections in people, and the brilliance in your composition that makes my heart sing. How about that?
Much love & blessings to the winner~
My friend just let me borrow a fantastic camera - a Nikon D300. I've had it a week and I'm in love. There is so much to learn about the camera settings and editing to get exactly what I want to capture. I need to learn more about manipulating light and focus points. I want to learn so much more because I want to get involved in taking meaningful, candid shots of families & children and I have dreams of starting my own business.
I'm so excited about this contest. I would love to work on composition. I love my work, but I don't want to get too comfortable with my style so I would like to work on how to make something ordinary into extraordinary on camera.
This is a great contest! I would love to learn more about portraits, and composition. Also editing. I feel like I know just enough about all of these to be pretty dangerous :)
I would love someone to help me understand how to shoot in manual mode. I feel I'm doing myself and my camera a disservice by constantly using it in auto mode.
I'm launching my new photography business RIGHT NOW! I'd like to learn portrait photography so that I do a really awesome job on it. Just got a Canon 5D Mark II last week and have no clue all that it's capable of!
Although I do not have a "fancy" camera, I love photography and would love to learn more about photographing my kids, family....people in general!
Just wanting to learn more about how to take photos for the kids.
Thanks for this opportunity. I would love to learn more about finding my voice with my photography art. :)
I'd like to get feedback about my current photos and also learn how to improve the way I shoot.
Well one thing is too little.. Anyways I would love how to compose a picture with the best setting my camera can provide me with. Be it a simple flower or a landscape I often see how my photos lack the extra edge and would definitely love to acquire this skill.
I am entering for a chance to win. I love to take pictures as you may remember from the Do What You Love course that we were both in but I always have wanted to know more about the technical stuff: white balance, ISO, aperture, etc.
I feel like I rush through taking photos (mostly because I have my children with me) but even when I don't, the bad habit stays with me. Would love some guidance on how to be more mindful and be careful to set up shots when shooting portraits.
Hi Catherine, What an amazing give away!!! I would love to learn how to use my camera in manual mode to get some of the effects I want. I would also love to learn the discipline of taking myself and my work seriously by making time for it!
My good friend, Cindy Pestka, forwarded me this contest info and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm currently working on defining my photographic "style." I know it has to do with how I represent love, but that's a scary and vulnerable place for me so I keep resisting it. Some powerful coaching would be fantastic. Thank you for offering this wonderful contribution!
I'd love to learn more about composition and lighting for effect.
I have taken photos for years and always have at least 2 cameras with me in my purse...sometimes I can capture the story of the photo but most of the time I feel that I am just capturing images. I would love to learn how to be a better storyteller!!
Manual mode is a mystery to me. There's still so much I do not know about taking good pictures.
I like my photographs at the moment, but I would like to get to the point where I love the photos that I take and where other people love them. I want to get to a professional level.
Thanks so much for the opportunity. I am in love with photography, but I need some discipline. I can't afford to do a lot of extensive travel right now. I would like help in finding the photography from what is around me. I think I need help with composition and ideas. Thank you.
I am interested in learning more about my Canon 5D and how to better use lighting. I am new to my camera and would like to hear more about shutter, ISO, and aperture. :)
Thank you,
I don't think mine posted, so I am trying again. I just got the Canon 5D and don't know how to use the Aperture, ISO, and shutter settings as well as I would like to. I also would like to get better with lighting. Thank you!
as i struggle to really define my style, i know i would benefit from constructive feedback on my work as well as guidance on composition, workflow, and editing. i'd also love to learn how to use off-camera flash! (which is probably one of those "read the manual" topics!) thanks so much for hosting such a generous giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I love my Olympus 510 and have been shooting for about 3 years. I am all about trying to learn to be more comfortable shooting completely on manual and getting what it is I see in the photo. My biggest struggle is shooting indoors. I love to take photos of my family, I have a niece with Downs and she has the greatest expressions I would love to capture, but in the end I annoy people with the flickering flash so I usually get frustrated to the point I turn the dial to auto. Thanks so much for chance at the opportunity to work with you.
What a great contest! I have very specific ideas about what I want my photos to look like, but am often baffled by how to get those results with my camera.
Hi Catherine!
I wanted to participate in your Soul*Full ecourse, but I missed the deadline! Your shots look amazing and it would be fun to learn from an expert : )
I am an aspiring photographer, and although I just bought a Sony Nex dslr, I feel my shots lack soul. I want to learn how to take dreamy photographs that capture the essence of the subject and tell their story visually. It would also be great to get tips about capturing everyday moments with my son that I want to keep close to my heart.
Thanks for having this contest!
I would LOVE to win. I love the emotion you have in your photos. I would like to learn more about my camera settings and how I can create such beautiful feelings in my images.
wow, great contest! What I would love to learn most in photography is how to bring more of me into my photography. How to use light and composition and everything else more purposefully to create my own unique style.
Hi Catherine it is me.....Willene. Wow what a wonderful offer. I would love to receive a month of mentoring. I believe I have a "style" emerging and if I could receive some guidance it would be fantastic.
What a wonderful contest!!!! I would love to have a month of mentoring. I believe I have a style emerging and to receive feed back would be fantastic.
This is an amazing contest!
With a limited budget, I don't have the money for fancy photo editing software so I really need to learn how to make the most important changes on my camera's settings (and rather quickly. I even got a "for dummies" book on clearance about my camera's specific models but I still am hitting some roadblocks.
My favorite things to photograph are my culinary creations (I'm a home cooking but maintain a blog and my busy preschooler! I think I have managed to figure out shutter speed but I am TERRIBLE at lighting. All the good photographers have these amazing photos that almost look like almost "white" and I just don't understand how they're taking these gorgeously vibrate photos without over exposing their subject. It's like the photos are marvelously bright (even in darker conditions) without having to squint your eyes. How do they do that?!?
Thank you!
I'd love to learn how to see light. So many times I see something stunning in my sight, grab my camera and the resulting photo ends up being drab. I'm missing something and can't quite put my finger on it.
Thanks for this amazing opportunity.
I have a camera that I love, some pretty decent lenses and a lot of hope but what I don't have is the knowledge of how to combine the technical components with my vision to create something beautiful. That is why I am hoping to win this contest. Someone kind and gentle to learn from would be a dream come true.
I would love to learn more about composition in photos and how to get more of a natural look from my kids when I'm taking photos instead of just the posed looks.
What a great contest!
What I really love about photography is macro...close-up of human beings but also from nature... it's like a whole new world we are normally not conscious about and that's the theme I wish to be an expert in. :-)
Ohmygosh, this is so generous. I've been having a love affair with my very basic DSLR but would love to get to know it better. And create more time for my photographs!
I am feeling a lack of inspiration lately. My surroundings are of minimal interest to me lately, and I don't like that. I am a professional wedding/portrait & fine art photographer so this flatness needs to take a hike ASAP. I think it would help to be accountable to someone instead of just being able to say "Meh. Maybe I'll shoot tomorrow." Accountability, baby. It makes a difference.
I would like to learn more about the business end of photography.
How fun would this be to win!!
I love looking at photos where the photographer has played up the aperture. I would love to learn more effective ways to use this tool to create better pictures.
I felt very comfortable with shading and colors and framing with a traditional slr, but the digital photos can be confusing!
It would be awesome if I won! I would like to learn how to use my camera.
I have a point and shoot camera but I think it is possible to take great pixs with it. I just need to learn how to really "see" what I am photographing and different tools/tricks to capture the ordinary into an extraordinary picture.
What a wonderful contest! I am winding down on a photo 365 project and inspired by the way the photography translates into being "in the moment." I am interested in macro images, lighting and moving beyond "the basics." I love capturing motion and my leaping daughters. Best, debbie
SO EXCITED to hear about this contest!
I took a photography course in college as an art major, and it frustrated the heck out of me! Of course, that was before the digital world came into being, and I had so much difficulty getting the camera settings and development chemicals correctly aligned with the stars (ha!) to produce a beautiful photo.
I truly enjoy the composition part of this art form but have always struggled with the "science" behind photography. I would like to learn more about digital camera settings (how to determine the best setting for the particular subject matter, time of day, etc.), how to get optimal lighting in photos, and SLR camera options for a beginner. I would very much value your expertise. Thanks for this opportunity to enter the contest! :)
What a wonderful opportunity to talk about photographs. I would love to win this.
I am an amateur photographer and would love to learn more about composition and how to get the best portraits and landscapes!! just excited about the opportunity! thank you so much!
Wonderful contest and thank you for offering it!
I would like to learn more about using my camera in manual mode instead of relying on presets. I would also love to capture the feel, the essence of what I see with my eye, in my photos. I'm looking for that energy of that moment.
Wonderful contest! I don't yet have a great camera, just a point and shoot for now but when we have the money I plan on buying an amazing one so that I can start my own photography business. I don't exactly know too much and would love to learn anything! I took a few classes in high school but now I am just an amateur and LOVE to take pictures of my beautiful kiddos <3. Thanks for this opportunity! Love your blog!!
I would love to learn to be more sure of myself, because it is bad for the biz. I always do fine, but the doubting myself and negative talk always make for stressful shoots. Which I am sure the clients can feel off of me. Thank you for the awesome giveaway
What a great opportunity... composition, light... the possibilities are endless.
I want to explore emotion in my photographs. I love taking pictures of my kids and I feel like I am good with composition but I never feel like I see the emotion in the photos. I also love nature/garden photography and would like to take more extreme or interesting photos.
What a great contest.
While I'd love to learn how to get out of automatic mode, what I'd really love to learn is how to photograph without any fear that it's been done before or done better.
Hi, I feel like I get the basics techniques of photogrpahy, and occasionally get some good shots, but I would like to improve my consistency (particulalrly if I keep making the same mistakes repeatedly)
Oh my goodness, what an incredibly generous giveaway! I tend to shoot on an intuitive level rather than a technical one. I think I would really benefit from some guidance on portraiture right now, especially of my baby girl. She is the greatest inspiration and the sweetest soul.
Great Contest! I want to learn more about how to use shutter speed and changing settings and aperture and to make the pictures from my little point and shoot not look so point and shoot
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