I love how Max grabs on to our hands when he is feeding. Jerry was in charge of this feeding time so I was the designated photographer.
look at Jerry's face would you? Priceless.
yesterday we walked around the rose bowl in the morning - 3 miles around with Max in the stroller. came home for some R&R and then went to Lacy Park and enjoyed the rose garden, watching other kids play, the trees, the vibrant green grass and the perfect weather. Laying on the blanket and enjoying each others company was the best I could have asked for on this day. We put Max in the middle and kissed him like crazy. He just smiles and laughs.
I was sad to see Jerry head back to the office this morning. Looking forward to more days in the park this summer.
Today I gave Max a bath before we headed over to our Playgroup at Club 21. I put him in the crib to dress him and I couldn't resist taking a few photos of him. He is delicious. Here is my favorite one:
Yesterday a few gals from Mom's Club went to Shane's Inspiration for a playdate. This park is amazing and the story behind it is so incredible. Read a little bit about it below:
In 1997, Catherine Curry-Williams and Scott Williams lost their son, Shane Alexander, to Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Type I: Werdnig-Hoffman Disease) only a few weeks after his birth. Had Shane lived, he would have spent his life in a wheelchair. Because of a physical disability, Shane would have been denied one of the most fundamental rights of childhood: the right to play independently with friends and family at neighborhood and school playgrounds. This realization encouraged the Williams and family friend Tiffany Harris to turn a tragedy into a vision that resulted in Shane's Inspiration... a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with disabilities.
Lisa with Juliet in the sling - can you see the little hand holding on to the sling??
Michelle with June - look at that smile - oh my god.
Bella and June with Jen
Bella and her rattle
And Max after a big feeding of 8 ounces of formula. That's what he's been eating for the past few days now at each feeding. SHEESH he's getting bigger by the moment. Sleeping a lot to catch his breathe after all the food.
Hope you enjoy all the love and joy that is surrounding you today. I know I am! I can't believe how blessed we are to have Max in our life. It's so easy to look at the negative - in general - in life - instead of looking at the positive and be grateful. All I have to do is look at Max and my heart bursts open and I know all is good in the world and in our nest.
Hi all! Just coming down from a wonderful weekend. My friend Amy visited from Minneapolis to meet Max. She is a dear dear friend. We met at Art School and have been close ever since. I was in her wedding, she was in mine and we both visit when a child is born if we can swing it. ( if you click on the photos they will get bigger and you can see them MUCH better )
We went to the Farmers Market with Jerry and Max on Thursday and ran into friends of ours there. Two I hadn't seen since I got married October 2007. And we both had our new babies there so it was nice to check back in and re-connect and show off all the cuteness of Max! We had a blanket and ate tamales and steak sandwiches and fed Max the bottle while the sun was setting. It was so fun.
The next morning we headed to Auntie Em's for scrambled eggs with avocado and grilled tomato, applewood smoked BACON, and a side of fruit. AHHHHH it was SO good. we sat out on the back patio and were delighted by the perfect weather, a sleeping baby, and the scrumptious food. ( click on the image )
We took amy to our Playgroup at Club 21 and I loved introducing her to the other moms and babies. And then Saturday we took her to our last Sign language class. Man was that class amazing. We plan to sign up for level 2 whenever it's offered. I am just in love with the instructor of that class - who also happens to be the person who runs Club 21. She is an angel. Let me tell you. If I talk about it too much I might break down and cry. Yep that's how much I love her. If it wasn't for Max I wouldn't have ever met her. I'm so lucky!!
After class we headed to a restaurant called "home" in Los Feliz if you haven't been there - go now. It's so cute and the food is great. It's all outside in a very cool patio. Max was a trooper going to all of these places and being totally fine with it.
Then we drove past where Amy used to live in Silverlake and HAD to stop at Starbucks for a decaf iced soy latte which was a favorite drink of ours back in the day. I hadn't had one in YEARS. and MAN was it delicious. AUGH.
Oh - and Amy and I made a sunprint of Max out front of our house on Friday. It was so fun. I want to do an entire project of Max with the sunprints. We also looked at art books together and talked about making art which is something I just adore about our friendship. That art connection.
We also went to Larkin for dinner on Saturday night. Beef ribs, fried chicken, mac and cheese, pork chops, oh my! I think this visit was all about food! It was great. I love being with her and I cannot believe we don't live in the same town. AUGH. It's painful.
I hated seeing her leave on Sunday Morning. And I talked with her as soon as she landed from the first flight of two that she had to take to get home.
I hope we can see more of her. She has 2 gorgeous little girls and a very talented husband so it's not as easy to travel as it was when we were lone artist gals roaming the world.
We all miss you Amy - GET BACK HERE!
also: Max is rolling over from Back to tummy now. Oh yes he is! I have it on video for you to watch here:
Here is a photo I took of him yesterday - So fricken CUTE! he found his hands and loves holding on to them
ok ok - This took MUCH too long to post. I need to run off and hang out with Husband and Baby.
photo taken yesterday after the mid afternoon feeding. I think he is blissed out.
So I got an e-mail from the head of Club 21 asking me to call my Senator about Health Care reform. So I did. I've never done anything like that before but I did it for Max. He deserves to have long term health care services just like anyone else.
Here is the blurb she sent to us - and I encourage you to make the call TODAY to your Senator as well. Do it for Max and all the others out there who cannot yet speak for themselves.
*** Make your voice heard today! The following message from the National Down Syndrome Society is vitally important for our children.
Important Message from NDSS In coming weeks, the Senate will finalize legislation to reform America's health care system. Long-term services and supports are essential to individuals with disabilities and seniors and must be included in health insurance reform efforts. Consider the following:
* While over 48 million Americans do not have medical insurance, over 250 million Americans lack any insurance protection for the costs of long-term supports and services. Medicaid requires individuals to impoverish themselves to receive supports.
* There is an institutional bias within Medicaid that denies Americans with disabilities an equal choice for home and community services.
* Hundreds of thousands of individuals with disabilities and their families are on waiting lists for Medicaid home and community-based services.
Proposals exist to help address these issues. However, they will only be included within health care reform legislation if Congress hears from you. Aging and disability organizations have joined together to host a national call-in day on Wednesday, May 13. Please join thousands of others across the country in calling your Senators to tell them how important it is to include long-term services and supports. Your calls can make a difference!
Call today between 8am and 6pm EST. Call 1-866-459-9232 (Toll Free)
Sample Script: Hello (state your name and where you are calling from). I'm calling to ask the Senator to help make sure long-term services and supports are part of health care reform. Long-term services and supports are essential to the health, well-being, and community participation of individuals with disabilities and seniors. Please ensure long-term services and supports are included in legislation to reform health care. Thank you.
So far my First Mother's Day has been Blissful. I slept in with my cat next to me in bed until about 10:30. Husband made me breakfast. Gave me a card that Max "made" for me and a Superhero necklace! Then Max gave me more smiles and who needs anything else??
After the noon feeding with Max we are heading out to a park for a little Picnic and then for a walk. that's all I wanted. To be outside with my family. Near trees. Birds. Air. I'm looking forward to it - and yes - we are bringing camera gear so more to be posted later.
But for now - I leave you with this video we took this morning:
ok - Just back from our afternoon picnic in the park. We stopped at Grassroots and bought some pre-made lunches and gluten free snacks and cookies and headed to Nibley Park
It was a nice day - the park was packed with other families with the same idea. Lots of BBQ's happening and kids on swings and the jungle gym thing they have there. We sat under a few trees and ate our lunch while Max slept. It was so nice to get out and do this.
It's been a Perfect day.
All this and a confirmation that my friend Amy is coming to visit from Minneapolis and meet Max on Wednesday is just icing on the cake for me!!! I can't wait to introduce her to Max and just be with her. hee heeeeee!!!
Tonight we are BBQing in our backyard and by the sounds of the birds still chirping away outside - I have a feeling it's going to be glorious.
video taken while Max was asleep in a sling - this was about a month ago. but so funny I had to share with you all.
Went to the pediatrician yesterday. here are his current stats:
Weight 10 lbs 11 oz Height 22 1/2 inches head circumference 14 3/4 "
you should see his legs! I should do a before and after photo of his legs. I mean - they are beefing up! SO cute.
She suggested that we stop getting up to feed him in the morning - and just let him tell us when it's time. We usually set an alarm for 4 hours after the last feed - and get up and he is usually starting to squirm for food. Last night we set the alarm - and low and behold he wasn't squirming so we let him sleep. This time he went 5 hours. It was a Passover miracle. ( ok I know that didn't make sense but everything in our house is either a christmas miracle or a passover miracle....just because it's hilarious to yell that out any time something astounding happens - which is quite often. )
Took him a while but he no longer fits in his premie pants or newborn onsies. yes - folks - Max is in 3 month old clothing now. And his hair is starting to grow in a little on the top of his head. And he is holding things like his little dog, and any washcloth that happens to be near his hand. He also reaches out to touch my face, and his neck strength is astounding! he holds his head up and just looks at us and looks and looks while we are squeeling of course with glee. He must know by now that we are nuts.
He eats between 3 and 5 ounces of formula every 3 - 4 hours during the day. And he burps like a sailor. Although I've never actually heard a sailor burp - I have a feeling I'm getting my point across.
the best lately are the big smiles and laughing. I am still trying to get it on video - but every time I grab the camera he just stares at the red light on it. It's killing me. you MUST see this. It's my life goal as of late. To capture these first smiles and laughs on video.
Sunday he had his first temperature - and has been a bit congested. Not fun for parents to see their baby struggle to breathe. nope - not fun at all. I'm glad though that it took him 3 months to have his first little cold. The temp. is back to normal today and the congestion is much less but plan to lay low and not go to the play groups this week to give the little guy a break.
He's asleep in his swing right now - peaceful little guy. until.....he realizes it's time for lunch!
ok - I'm very sorry about the singing. But try try try to live through it so you can see how much Max likes Gwen Stefani - even when sung out of tune.
He's starting to smile and laugh more often which is amazing to see. His neck strength is even better and he is using his hands to reach out and grab more on purpose.
This week he attended 2 playgroups - one in a park and one at Club 21. He ate dinner at a Farmer's Market with us and another couple - Jen and Ray and their 8 month old Bella. He went to another sign language class and this week. He went to a birthday party for his friend Sevi who turned 1 year old.
happy baby with hidden privates ( he's shy )
this is his "power to the people" arm in the air look
Sleeping before the big birthday party at his friend Sevi's house
Happy Birthday Max - Tomorrow - you will be 3 months old. I cannot believe it. It actually feels like a lot longer for some reason since we were at the hospital. A distant memory. I'm so glad you decided to join us in this life of ours. You sure added a pile of cuteness, love, joy, laughter, happiness, etc into the mix. Plus a bit of worry - but I'm Jewish - it's beyond my control.
I must say I do feel very much myself in the Down syndrome community. more so then most other places I've been, or groups I've joined. I'm not sure why that is. I guess it was all meant to be. Jerry and I are looking forward to the big conference in Sacramento at the end of July. But right now we are just finishing up a BBQ in our backyard on a lovely Sunday afternoon with Max in his little bouncy chair and the chirping birds, nice breeze and perfect temperature. Life is good.