Monday, April 6, 2009

a beautiful weekend

I have a half an hour before the next feeding and figured I'd post these two photos while I can.
They were taken yesterday on the front porch by our lovely in house staff photographer Jerry Seiner Jr.
For more of his stunning work click HERE

Today was the feedings assessment at the Pasadena Child Development Associates.
It was a Terrific appointment.
EXACTLY what we were looking for in care for Max and not quite finding...until now!
ie: Warm, kind, interested, paying attention, nice, available, listening, great attention to detail, etc etc.
I cannot rave enough about the people we saw there and the feedback we got from them.
SO glad the Regional Center referred us to them.
Looks like Max is doing great and can use just a little help with Oral Motor Development so we get the opportunity to see them a few more times to make sure he is on the right track.

I'm so glad Jerry went with me - he was so great in sharing our observations, concerns, and thoughts on his over all development and feeding issues. I just basically sat there and lost my head as what usually happens when I need to share important information with doctors...I stare blankly at them. Luckily Jerry and I do write down notes on our iphones before we go to the doctor so if I'm ever stuck there alone ( which will be the case more and more because of Jerry have that thing called a J.O.B. ) I will at least have the notes as a reference. This visit however - Jerry was filled with info and was also charming and entertaining as his usual M.O. God I love that man!

Anyhow - I'm going to run and eat a lara bar, sip some water, read a blog post from another mama blogger, and then
back to business with Max and his feeding schedule.

Enjoy your day.


Unknown said...

Is that a hotsling? HAHA

Nicki D. said...

I have that thing too where I can't use my brain at ALL around doctors. I have no memory of what happens with my body so when they ask me a direct question about what happens if ... I mostly have no answers for them. I had a bad lab back a few years ago and had to go thru all these procedures and to this day I couldn't tell you what the diagnosis was!

I wanna hold baby Max now!